In the course of long-term forklift parts usage, various faults can arise, stemming from both mechanical wear and human errors. Here are some prevalent human faults to be aware of:

  1. Spring Piece Mishap:
    • Fault: Accidental dropping of the spring plate into the parts’ inlet pipe during routine maintenance, leading to potential equipment piston damage.
    • Prevention: Emphasize the importance of responsibility and careful handling during maintenance procedures.
  2. Loose Anti-Freezing Water Plug:
    • Fault: Negligent tightening of the anti-freezing water plug, allowing water to infiltrate the oil pan.
    • Prevention: Encourage operators to conduct regular self-inspections, tightening any loose components promptly.
  3. Crankshaft and Timing Gear Issues:
    • Fault: Accidental tool impact on the crankshaft timing gear during maintenance or overhaul, causing damage and abnormal engine noise.
    • Prevention: Stress the need for precision and caution during crankshaft timing procedures to avoid gear damage.
  4. Incorrect Valve Guide Sealing Ring Installation:
    • Fault: Improper installation of the sealing ring on the valve guide, leading to oil flow in the exhaust pipe and potential part pull shaft damage.
    • Prevention: Ensure proper training on correct installation procedures and prompt action when abnormal noises are detected.

By addressing and preventing these common human errors, forklift part operators and maintenance personnel can contribute to the overall longevity and reliability of equipment.