1、 Forklift maintenance can be divided into five types: running in period maintenance, daily maintenance, seasonal maintenance, sealed forklift maintenance and regular maintenance.

1. Running in period maintenance refers to the use and running of forklifts newly delivered or overhauled within the specified operation time, which is called the running-in period of forklifts.

2. Daily maintenance mainly includes cleaning forklift and external inspection. It includes pre-use inspection, in-service inspection and maintenance after returning to the warehouse. There are specific instructions for the daily care of forklifts in this station.

3. The maintenance of a sealed forklift refers to the sealing of the forklift when it is expected that it will not be used for more than three months. The sealed forklift must be in good technical condition. Before sealing, corresponding types and levels of maintenance shall be carried out according to different vehicle conditions to meet the standard of the good technical state. After engine overhaul, new forklifts or major repair forklifts shall generally be sealed after the running-in period.

4. Seasonal maintenance: in areas with a minimum temperature below 268k (- 5 degrees) in recent years, seasonal maintenance must be carried out for forklifts before summer and winter.

5. Regular forklift maintenance is the most crucial item in forklift maintenance, as follows:

1) Daily maintenance, after each shift;

2) First level technical maintenance: after the engine has been running for 150 hours, the first level maintenance shall be carried out once a year for the internal combustion forklift with an annual working time of fewer than 150 hours;

3) Level II technical maintenance: after the engine has been running for 450 hours, level II maintenance shall be carried out every three years for internal combustion forklifts with working hours less than 450 hours every three years.

2、 Forklift maintenance process

1. Preparation before maintenance

Maintenance forklift type: battery balance weight forklift

distilled water

Extreme pressure lithium grease

Wrench, screwdriver, balance ruler and other maintenance tools

Cleaning supplies such as rags.

2. Follow the maintenance procedure below

1) Cleaning is the basis for improving maintenance quality, reducing the wear of accessories and reducing oil and material consumption, and making preparations for inspection, fastening, adjustment and lubrication;

2) Inspection: inspection is to determine whether the technical performance of each assembly and component is typical, whether the work is reliable, and whether there is variation and damage to the parts through inspection, measurement, test and other methods to provide a reliable basis for correct use, storage and maintenance;

3) Fastening due to the bumps, vibration, thermal expansion and cold contraction of surface parts during forklift operation. The firmness of each fastener will change, even loose, damaged and lost;

4) Adjustment is vital to restore the good technical performance of the forklift and ensure the average fit clearance. The adjustment work directly affects the economy and reliability of the forklift. Therefore, the adjustment work must be carried out in time according to the actual situation;

5) lubrication is an important work to prolong the service life of forklifts, mainly including forklift engines, gearbox, hydraulic cylinders, brake cylinder and transmission accessories, joints, etc. The whole vehicle is filled with lubricating oil. The pressurized mechanical parts such as the lifting chain and bearing are lubricated with extreme pressure lithium grease, which can play the role of lubrication and rust prevention.

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